M.A., University of Central Florida, Literary, Cultural and Textual Studies (expected Spring 2025)
First-Year Composition Instructor, Department of Writing and Rhetoric, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, August 2024-Present.
B.A., University of Central Florida, English Literature (2023)
Honors in the Major Thesis: Political Bodies in the Ulster Myth Cycle: Space, Conflict, and Comedy in “Scéla Mucce Meicc Da Thó.”
Advisors: Stephen C.E. Hopkins, Ph.D (Chair), Alison Hudson, Ph.D, Christian Beck, Ph.D.
Teaching Experience
ENC 1102: Sociocultural Construct for Research Writing, (2) Sections, Spring 2025. Instructor.
ENC 1101: Sociocultural Construct for Community Situated Writing, (2) Sections, Fall 2024. Instructor.
Joyner, Veronica. ENC 4280: Technical Writing Style, Spring 2024. Grader.
Pugh, Tison. ENL 3378: Harry Potter Studies, Spring 2024. Grader.
Applen, JD. LIT 4433: Literature of Science and Technology, Fall 2023. Grader.
Pugh, Tison. LIT 3132: Legend and Literature of King Arthur, Fall 2023. Grader.
Professional Activities
Associate Editor, The Pegasus Review: UCF Undergraduate Research Journal.
Encouraged the publication of undergraduate research and pre-professional scholarship.
Assisted students throughout the writing and revision process.
Co-led workshops on publication strategies.
Edited all essays for publication.
Lecture: Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Track 2, Publishing Workshop series for the UCF Undergraduate Research Journal.
Reviewed resumes with the hiring committee.
Helped select potential applicants and judged editing tests for interviewees.
Co-lead interviews and co-selected the final candidate with the Faculty Editor.
Digital Humanities Contributions
Select XML entries in Johnson’s Dictionary Online, a complete, searchable online edition of Samuel Johnson’s A Dictionary of the English Language, 1st and 4th folio editions (1755 and 1773).
Technical Skills
Programming & Scripting: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML (TEI encoding)
Version Control & Development Tools: Git, GitHub, Visual Studio Code